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See how it works.

Discover how eBanqo can ensure significant revenue increase, better customer satisfaction and retention, with a cutback in operational cost.

With eBanqo, you can:


Automate FAQs, giving your customers instant answers to questions in their favourite messaging apps


Integrate to your backend systems and automate workflows that allow your customers to perform self-service or resolve common issues on their own


Seamlessly handover from bot to a live customer service agent at a customer’s request or for complex requests


Send predefined or custom messages to customer’s preferred channels using selected criteria

With eBanqo, you can:


Automate FAQs, giving your customers instant answers to questions in their favourite messaging apps


Integrate to your backend systems and automate workflows that allow your customers to perform self-service or resolve common issues on their own


Seamlessly handover from bot to a live customer service agent at a customer’s request or for complex requests


Send predefined or custom messages to customer’s preferred channels using selected criteria